Sunday, November 20, 2011


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my cute baby girl all in purple

my sisters came to see baby Lindsey

Riley playing with fun

She fell asleep in her bumbo

that later became smashed into my carpet

dressed her princess costume

being patient while we carve pumpkins

carving pumpkins

my cute skeleton and super man

trunk or treat with cousins

trick or treating with Tre

he did so good, even though it was soooo cold

Baby blessing

cheesin it with Grandpa

she got passed around all day
     Well of course I'm playing catch up again.  Lets see...Halloween was really fun this year.  Bailey was given several costumes...she was a princess, a skeleton, and a pumpkin.  We bought Riley a super man costume, but he lost his cape at a trunk or treat several days before Halloween.  I was going to make him a new one, but the thought kept coming to my head to call Shelly, so I did, and not only did she have one, she had three.  She also said she had a buzz costume for Riley that her boy had grown out of, so he was also buzz.  We went to a trunk or treat with all the cousins at in Ucon, then we went to further down the road to Shelly's to trick or treat in their neighborhood.  But the whole drive Riley didn't stop saying trick or treat, trick or treat.  I've got to say it's a lot easier to go to trunk or treats, you get more, and quicker.  Actually, it's better if we just buy the candy.  We always buy the good candy bars to give out and Riley gets the dumb candy in return, oh well, it's the experience.  My dad and his wife Lynda had just gotten into town, so they were there to see the kids in their costumes as well.
      So a long time ago Enid had asked me to reserve our club house for Lindsey's baby blessing, but it was too far in advance, and then I forgot about it, so when I went to do it it was already taken.  I didn't know what we were going to do.  I told Stephen it was too bad we hadn't made friends with people while we lived in Stonebrook, and he reminded me that our neighbors good friend lives there, so we asked her to reserve it for us, and luckily that worked out.  So we had lots of family come into town that weekend.  It worked out great, and Brian gave a great blessing earlier in church that day.  It was funny, he blessed her to have patience with her new parents... it was cute.
     There are lots of birthdays in November...mine, Stephen's, Brandon(stephen's nephew), my sister in law Jill, and my dad's. It was my "special" birthday this year...11-11-11, and I made a wish at 11:11. Stephen cleaned the house for me, and when he is out of school this January I get a week off... no diapers, laundry, dishes, cooking.  That is going to be a great week.  We went bowling with the kids and out to dinner on Stephen's birthday.  It was nice to have a day with just us together.  Then later in the week we went out with Stephen's family to celebrate Brandon's, Stephen's, and my birthday.  We went to chilis.  It was the second time I had ever been there, and I remembered why, I wasn't really a big fan, but that's ok cuz I enjoyed the company. Oh yeah I went and got a massage, and when she got to my legs I warned her that I do have pseryisis on my feet, and she said that's ok, I'm actually not going to do your feet today because you are getting a pedicure after this.  I was surprised cuz Stephen didn't say anything, but I guess that's the point of a surprise huh?  I told her didn't realize I was getting a pedicure too.  So after my pedicure which was great!  I went to pay and she said it was $120 and I had a gift card for $60, but I didn't bring my debit card or anything with me cuz I didn't know about the pedicure.  but in the past when Stephen has gotten me a massage he pays for it in advance so I don't have to worry about anything, so I asked if she was sure he hadn't paid, and she said she would check with the other receptionist cuz she wasn't the one who made the apt.  I in the mean time called Stephen to tell him to bring the debit card and was like what you did both, and I was like yeah they told me I got to do both that you had scheduled it, he was like well happy birthday.  He had actually told them he wasn't sure if I would want the body massage or the pedicure or split up the time and do both, and the other receptionist I guess just scheduled both.  So they told me not to worry about paying for the pedicure since it was a misunderstanding.  WOOHOO, free hour long pedicure.  And of course Stephen is trying to take credit for it.  It's ok i'll give it to him. 
     We had our ward Thanksgiving dinner the other day.  The food was really good, and they had probably double what they needed, so everyone took some home.  The entertainment however, not so good.  One of the singers was so bad I looked over at another table and there was a one year old standing on the table with his hands covering his ears.  Kids tell it how it is.
     Over the last few weeks there has been so many things Riley has said that I wanted to put it in the blog, but do I remember it all now, of course not, but here's what I do remember.  The other day Riley was really quiet, so I went to check on him, and found him using his little potty.  So I made a huge deal about it, and got him excited, and told him what a big boy he was, and he chose which underwear he wanted to put on.  About 45 minutes later I hear water trinkling, and he comes up to me and says, "mommy, I'm not a big boy, I need a diaper".  He broke a jar of speghetti sauce in broulims.  My mother in law got in trouble because Riley picked up one of her phrases she says a lot..."holy crap".  He was in the back of the car the other day, and said holy crap baby, holy crap baby, and he said it over and over again.  When the baby cries, he tries to comfort her.  He tries to figure out what's wrong, some of the things he has told her is it's ok, daddy/mommy will be right back, or it's ok baby, we'll be home in a minute.  We made cupcakes for the baby blessing, and Riley "helped me".  each cupcake tin I filled Riley said I try it, and he stuck his finger in and licked it, and said I like it mom.  He seriously tried all 24 cupcakes.  I made new ones for any of you who are reading this that ate one of the cupcakes.  :).  Riley had been kind of a home body.  He hasn't even wanted to go to nana's house which is weird, but it makes me feel good that he know where home is, and likes to be there.  He has been going to nursery by him self and liking it.  I've peaked through the little windows a few times to check on him and it's so fun to see him participate and do the actions to the songs.  One of the head nursery leaders told us the other day that he is the best behaved, and most polite kid in nursery.  That's right, that's my kid.  Riley loves to play hide and go seek, and we play all day long.  The other day I went to take a shower while Riley was watching a cartoon, and Bailey was happy in her bouncy chair, and I came back down to all of Riley's halloween candy all over the living room.  He had 5 suckers opened that he had taken one lick of then dropped on the carpet, taffy stuck to the carpet and chocolate running down his chin.  I guess that's what I get for wanting to take a shower, the nerve huh.  Riley had his two year baby check up (a little late) but he got shots and did so good, he only cried for like a second. When ever he sees the temple he always says that's Jesus's house, but the other day he said it's Jesus's castle, and that he wants to live there with him, and that we can come too.  :)
     Bailey can sit by herself for a while, until she goes to reach for something.  She definately knows what she wants and lets us know.  She babbles and babbles which she says dada dada a lot, and I told Stephen that it doesn't count as her first word until she knows what she is actually saying.  Bailey also got her shots, and she on the other hand did cry.  She doesn't do well with shots, she was fussy for a couple of days, and you could still see her marks on her legs two days later.  My poor little girl.  She weighed in at 18 1/2 lbs. and was in the 96 % for height and 94% for weight so she's doing good.  She loves peek a boo.  She loves to play with her toes.  We have given her some mash potatoes.  She loves to watch cartoons already.  When she is nursing she is constantly pulling away to look at the T.V.  She is so good to sit in her bumbo while I cook dinner or need to get something done.  Riley would scream and scream if he wasn't being held, but I just take her bumbo in what ever room I'm working in, and she just plays.  Except to get her out of her bumbo is a little difficult.  Her legs are so chubby the whole seat comes up with her then you have to pry it off her.