Sunday, October 2, 2011

Just another week

So reading back on my last post, I remember that when we were getting the bike for Riley he rode it through the store up to the checkout line, and to everyone that was passing us in the opposite direction he would say "look out guys" or just "look out!".  It was kind of embarassing, but funny.  And I know I've said that Riley likes to try and tell us to go to time out, but now he says, "oooone,  twooooooo, three, time out mom",  and grabs my hand and tries to take me to time out.  Riley is way into climbing on us right now, and piggy back rides.  Today was general conference, and we told him this was our church for this week, and he said, "no church, cartoons!"  Whenever Stephen gives me a hug, Riley always comes over and gives me a big a hug, sooo cute.  About a year ago, Stephen wasn't "allowed" to give me a hug, or put his arm around me, Riley would freak out and say "NO, NO, NO".  He didn't like to share, now he likes to be apart of it.  So the other day I was holding Bailey, and Riley was sitting next to me, and I said, "ok Riley, I"m going to go take a shower, and I"m going to put Bailey in her seat", he said, "no, I hold her."  So I let him hold her for a minute, and then he moves my hands away, and says mommy shower, I hold her.  So cute, he's already wanting to take care of his little sister.  We bought him some underwear, and thinking maybe if he got wet, he wouldn't like it, and then ask to use the bathroom.  I think that was the most traumatized he's ever been.  Oh man was there a lot of screaming going on in my house.  I guess we will wait a little longer.  We've been trying to give Bailey more tummy time, but she absolutely hates it, she just screams, and grunts and groans.  It's funny though because she rolls over onto her tummy, and can't roll back so she gives herself tummy time like 100 times a day, but keeps doing it over and over again.  It's sad though cuz she gets tired and then just face plants, then she lifts her head again, and then face plants.  She is supporting herself sitting up so good though.  I just can't get over how good of a baby she is.  She's always just so happy, and has the biggest smiles ever.  If she opened her mouth any wider when she smiles I think her face would crack.  We went to one of Stephen's co-workers house for dinner tonight.  They have two kids as well, and Riley had fun playing there, but his co-worker asked me if Stephen is as forgetful at home as he is at work.  I just rolled my eyes, and said you have no idea.  So it's not just me, and his family that has noticed this, but we love him anyway.   I really need to get a new camera chord, cuz I've got some good ones I need to post. 

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