Monday, September 19, 2011


Well it has been a crazy few months.  Kind of doing a recap of the year so far... We had been looking for a management position so I wouldn't have to work out side the home.  We wanted to work at the dorms on campus, but after applying several times, and coming close we were advised to get some experience, so we started looking for a position anywhere.  We were hired in April to manage at cottonwood apts.  We were warned not to work there because they were really hard to work for, but we decided to give it a try anyway.  Well, we should have turned out to be a terrible three months.  Nothing we did there was right or good enough, and she had ridiculous rules that I was not willing to follow.  So while we were managing we rented out our place to our friends Jayme/J.P.  So when we moved out of cottonwood we had no where to go.  We rented an place at stonebrook where we lived for the first year of our marriage.  After we were there for three weeks our renters asked if we wanted to move back in cuz it wasn't working out for them there.  We had signed a year contract at stonebrook so we had to find someone to take over our contract.  It ended up working out, and now five months after moving out of our house are now back home.  It has been a lot of work moving all those times, and if you are wondering, no I don't think it was worth it.  We will continue to apply for positions at the dorms, but no where else.  If we get it great, if not, it was not meant to be.  There was a couple of things that were good about it...we dejunked, got a new table, washer/dryer, because we sold ours when we moved. 

On to more important parts of our lives...On May 6 our beautiful baby girl was born.  She was due on May 1, but of course that date came and went.  By the fifth I still wasn't dilated at all.  On Thursday the fifth the told me I could wait til Tuesday, and still have a good chance of having a c-section, or I could go in the next morning and just have a c-section.  We were really hoping for a natural delivery, but we prayed and thought about it, and decided to have a c-section and go in the next day.  We got there at about 5am.  They did all the routine stuff to prep me for my c-section and of course no one could give me my I.V.  I think I made the nurse mad because she hadn't missed in over five years and she stuck me twice and couldn't get it.  Another nurse came in and found a vein and said I think I can get this one.  I said no, there is no thinking, unless you KNOW you can get it you better have someone else who can come in and do it.  They had to get the anesthesiologist come in to give it to me.  She even while giving me numbing medicine, which the other people weren't as nice to do, broke one of my veins, and had to find another one.  Before I came into the hospital I was whining that I had to get an I.V. and Stephen said you're about to have a baby (before we knew we were having a c-section), and that is the part you are complaining about.  With reason I complained,  I looked like a shot up drug user when they got done with me, and yes that was the worse part.  I got my spinal block which went really well, he did a great job in one try.  He was actually a member of our ward until it got split.  It was weird though because here I am virtually naked in this freezing room getting a needle in my spine and everyone is talking about vacations, and games as though nothing was going on.  Oh well, I guess it distracted me from what was going on, that was probably the point.  by 8:05 my little Bailey was SCREAMING!  She was not happy to be taken out of her warm home, and let her presence be known.  All the doctors and nurses couldn't get over how loud she was screaming.  The time in the hospital was kind of a blur, but I do know that I didn't get hardly any sleep.  They would ask if I wanted them to keep Bailey at night but it didn't matter cuz they were in and out of my room every hour.  Bailey had a hard time at first latching on, but eventually got the swing of things, and if you have seen her lately you'd say she caught on a little too well, she is one chunky baby.  She was in the 91 percentile for her height last week, and 86 %tile for her weight.  She is such a good baby.  She sleeps well, is very calm, and loves to just watch people.  She has rolled over a couple of times.  She has the biggest smile and within the last week has started laughing which is the cutest thing ever.  She loves her bouncy chair...she kicks most of the time with just her left leg which is really funny to watch.  I started feeding her rice cereal two weeks ago which she loves.  She's like a little puppy when we eat, it's like she's just begging for it.  She has so much dark hair, but it's really hard to control it.  There is  a ton, but it is so fine that it's hard to keep bows and things in it.  She is just my happy little girl and we love her so much.

Riley really loves her to.  That's the first thing he wants to do when he wakes up is kiss the baby, and the second thing is to watch Dora.  I am so glad to be back at our place with a DVR, so we can have Dora on hand instead of watching the two Dora DVD's we have over and over again.   He turned two in July, and I made him a buzz cake.  He is talking so much.  He is very polite and always says please, thank you, and you're welcome.  Sometimes he's too polite...he says you're welcome before we say thank you, and when I ask him to do something he'll often say no thank you mommy.  He loves to play out side swinging, going down slides, jumping on tramps, and playing in the water.  I"m sure our neighbors are glad we are back because he loves to play in our car and honk the horn.  So because Stephen works nights I let him sleep with me ( I'm sure I'll pay for it later, but for the time being it works), and the other night I told Riley good night and closed my eyes, and then I opened them to him kissing my forehead and saying goodnight mom, love you.  Oh I love him so much.  He has a favorite blankie, and on that blankie he has a corner that he uses to tickle his nose.  He's really OCD about it, he does it like 100 times a day.  His favorite people are Nana, Papa, and Aunt Enid.  He had done so good with all the moving we have done, but I think he is happy to be home again.  It just feels right here.  He knows how to throw fits, and you can tell he is two, but he really is such a sweet boy, and we love him.  We have our work cut out for us in the next little bit trying potty train him, and taking away the bink and bottle.  I kept coming up with excuses not to take them away, but it is definately time to start. 

Stephen is always so busy.  He works all night, and has school full time, and does his best to still spend time with his family.  He was able to have a few adventures this summer.  He was able to climb Mt. Bora, Nebo, and Idaho this year.  I think he would be happier if his sports teams were doing better.   We were able to go to washington where I grew up, and visit family and friends, swim, go huckleberry picking, and just get away for a little bit.  After prolonging it for so long, I was able finally get my bachelors degree.  I am back at Applebees just for two day shifts a week, and other than that am able to just spend my days with my kids, and I love it.  So in a nutshell that was our 2011 so far. 

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm glad you started a new blog! I love blogging, and I love looking at others blogs! It was fun to read!
